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Listening to... Couperus: the podcast

Updated: Oct 16, 2024

In 2023, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of writer Louis Couperus (1863-1923). But why should you still read his work today? To find the answer to this question, Liesbeth Bouman, Marc Brouwer, and Mark Schuit created Couperus: the podcast, a podcast for and with young people. You will learn more about the person Couperus and see his work through the eyes of experts, including the founder and the director of the Louis Couperus Museum, and young people. Curious?

Mark participates as a co-host in two episodes:

Episode: "Het Louis Couperus Museum" (Dutch-speaking):

Episode: "Actuele onderwerpen geschreven in het verleden" (Dutch-speaking):


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